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  • Writer's pictureellicemiles

You know you’re a mother when…

Happy Mothering Sunday!

It all started with the pitter, patter of not so tiny feet creeping downstairs to make this very grateful Mammy, breakfast in bed.

Waffles and orange juice were made by Animal Lover as well as putting on some music for me to go back to sleep to. Dino Boy provided a teddy for me to cuddle whilst breakfast was being made and then found me entertainment in the form of his Angry Birds game. Thing One and Thing Two came along to cuddle Mammy and bring their cards for me, which they were so pleased with themselves about.

(Too early to part with deedee!)

They gave me flowers and chocolates, a lollipop stick frame and a clay heart necklace. We ate the chocolates for breakfast (any excuse!). Then they gave me another present; a few more minutes in bed whilst they took turns playing the new Hero 6 game, yes I said “took turns”, with no fighting!

So on to business, here are all your contributions to my photo gallery:

N.B. I’ll be updating this throughout the day, so watch this space!

You know you’re a mother when…

Your son and settee are covered in Sudocrem and it’s time to pick your daughter up from school!

Your phone is full of selfies that aren’t you!

15 minutes peace and quiet comes with a price.

The contents of your bag are spread around the room.

You’re a mobile milk dispenser.

The distressed look on your furniture is unintentional.

You find a googly eye in your washing machine.

Your washing basket is never empty.

Your pet dragon needs a hot chocolate.

Wet wipes just aren’t enough.

Your clothes and shoes live in four different wardrobes, in four different houses.

Thank you Candice, Emma, Claire and Eloise for sending me photos. If anyone else wants to send a photo please send it to

Keep watching!

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